So… are you doing the work you love?

Well, I’m sure this question has come up in your mind from time to time especially when you are in a career that just isn’t doing it for you anymore!  For many of us our careers often define who we are and although that is a piece of it, your purpose spans so much greater than your career or job title.   For the sake of this article, let’s focus only on this very important piece that will drive you to rediscover your purpose in your career.

I found through my years of interviewing candidates for numerous roles that the following question often will give someone pause and I continue to use this not to confuse or trick them but help define the motivational fit for the position.  Here it is and think about this and write down your answers!

Think of a time in your current or past job or in training/education when you have been most satisfied and describe to me what made this so satisfying for you?

Wow I love to listen and watch as someone really thinks about that question for a minute and describes to me a project, activity or field of study that brings them joy.  This truly becomes the beginning of someone’s motivation and drive to do the work they love.  Why is this so important?  Because for so many of us we focus on what the technical skills and attributes are for a career but lose sight of motivational fit.

OK so why is this important to you? Taking the time to sit with what has made you most satisfied, what gives you joy in your life and in your career begins to set your navigational pull to what is your purpose.  When you identify what brings you joy and job satisfaction it will then begin to provide you with the first step of how either to incorporate more of this in your current career or begin to define what your new career should look like.

I would love to hear what answers came up for you and feel free to send me a message and let’s get you doing the career you love!


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