What is the ego mind vs. higher self?

Ego is the sense of “I” and is a “part” of your mind.  For many of us the word ego can have negative connotation of self-importance.  But it is the part of the mind that helps each of us succeed, make decisions, protect ourselves in our daily lives. The ego mind is how you perceive yourself and is the constant narrator in your mind influenced by life experiences and what we perceive from others and our surroundings. Most of us are caught up in our own story, not seeing a different point of view, creating an image and perception of who we are based on outside influences and labels.  This, in part, is the ego mind that holds many of us back from seeing the possibilities of other perspectives, outcomes and knowing our higher self! Higher self, also known as true self, is the essence we were born with it has no fear it’s everlasting, universal and all love. Many cultures refer to it in many ways such as the soul, life force, Chi, divine consciousness etc. So how do you connect to your higher self? If is often difficult to quiet the mind enough to feel it Although it is always with you, it often lets the ego mind think it is running the show, again because it does need to feel importance! So, in those quiet moments when the mind settles such as in mediation, silent prayer, sitting in nature, etc, the higher self emerges and you can connect to our deeper sense of self and even strengthen it this way. How are you operating in life when you are faced with important decisions – are you listening to your ego mind or your higher self?
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