The Power of Thought

You’ve likely heard what you think is what you believe.  Many thought leaders suggest that this may be the cause to unhappiness.  Exploring thoughts that arise different certain situations present an opportunity for us to shift the experience of the situation.  Well I think that makes perfect sense and should be easy, right?  Well not so much for me I have found! But with some mindful practice you can shift your perspective.

When you commit to practicing positive thought choice you empower yourself to choose positive thoughts in moments of discomfort. 

Here’s an easy exercise for you try to help put into perspective of how positive and negative thoughts have an impact:

  • Sit comfortably and close your eyes and think about a time that gave you tremendous joy and just savor that for a minute or two. Where do you feel this in your body?  How do you feel?  Now take a deep breath in and let it all go. 
  • Now while keeping your eyes closed think about a time that has caused you stress and sit with this for a minute or two. Again, where do you feel this in your body?  How do you feel?  Now take a deep breath and let it all go.

Recognize that both these occurrences are not taking place but simply your intention to recall and witness.  So as thoughts come into our awareness you have an opportunity to witness how you feel. 

You have an option to continue to experience thoughts or take a deep breath and as you exhale and let it go and replace with a positive thought.  So the next time you have a situation that comes up that presents stress or negativity take a moment to deeply inhale, exhale and let it go. 

Would love to hear your thoughts on this so feel free to send me a message. 

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