My Services

Coaching Services

Life Purpose Coach

Individual Sessions - $97 each
One session is tailored to match your needs and desires. You set the intention for the session whether it is through meditation, energetic activation or a brief overview of your dharma blueprint.
4 Sessions - $300
Sessions may include:
You will receive intuitive insights and guidance tailored to your unique spiritual journey to find clarity and awaken your connection with your higher self. The key to making this shift is defining your purpose/dharma and identifying limiting beliefs and finally cultivating resilience, self-awareness with grace and confidence. There are several tools and options we may use to achieve your personal outcome whether it be:

Career Coaching

Individual Sessions - $97 each
One session is tailored to a specific area that you have identified to elevate your career. This could be a discussion on personal empowerment, resume review, interview coaching etc.
4 sessions - $300
We will dive past surface-level hurdles to identify and address the root causes of why you feel stuck. We will create systemic breakthroughs and growth by uncovering purpose and vision and begin the discovery of new perceptual muscles you didn’t know you had.
This approach will allow you to work through resistant issues and concerns and guide you to the career success that you not only deserve but provides you with a clear path with actionable steps to continued success.
  Before we begin coaching, I offer a 30-minute Discovery Call, at no cost.
This is an opportunity for us to meet, review your goals, and see if we are a good fit to work together. 
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